Friday, December 16, 2011


Waaa lama dah x jenguk2 blog nie..hihi..Its been 3-4 month or something..
Okay,everythings was good, smooth & I do enjoy my life lately. Even though there's some sort thing that have to be done havent done yet. emm..I got an offered to Politeknik Shah Alam,Eloktronik Perubatan. Sounds good right..? At first, I decided to accept an offer there, but lepas pk balik,Im not interested with the course that have been given to me. (^_^) ape la guna kalau belajar kita x minat kan..? so I decided to keep my head up at Matriks. huhu..seriously,hard decision.
And I dont know why, sekarang da jadi rajin bersukan. Dont know. Kalau boleh, hr2 nk g bersukan. hihi.. bagus kan saya? (^_^)
I have nothing to say now. So till then. Bye..

Thursday, August 25, 2011


* Hmm~lama tak update my blog..huhu.. quite busy la since I got into Matriculation College.. there's so much thing that I want to share, but I just dont have much time..limit ! huh.. Alhamdulillah,everything was fine and smooth even though there still have some thing that I'm not satisfied of but its okay kan..? Honestly, life as matriculation student is not like rumors yg kita dok salu dengar selama nie..nk kata senang,x lah senang sgt. what the important thing is determination. huh~for me,the most hardest time at Matrculation of Negeri Sembilan is masalah air ! hahh! ye la..tmpat tu kt kawasan bukit,so air x bape nk boleh naik sgt so sometime,I mean everyday we all have to face it. Like me and my room mate, we got to wake up earlier to get bath. In around 4am, ktorang da bangun mandi. Kalau nk wake up lambat bleh,tp kene pndai2 survive lah. Pernah 1 hari tu, me and my room mate terlajak bangun dalam pkul 6,ape lg..mmg tak lah! tak ape?? tak mandi la..heheh! nevermind,who knows.....hihi.. Hah,I want to post some of my picture but since my broadband is like berok right now, so maybe next time lah. ngee~ =D

* Yes, I'm a KPOP lover. And now,I'm getting more and more into it..! just dont know why. What I know is, I'm getting more addicted to them. Of cos with my 2PM, SNSD and some of other Kpop group and celebrity. And now, I'm just finished watching a Kdrama (my girlfriend is Gumiho). Totally awesome! <3 Lee Seung Ri. =) and I'm going to watch more Kdrama (^_^) No one cant stop me.

k daa..till then folks. bye =D

~Latest Pictures of Mine~

Monday, June 20, 2011

Into The New World !

Its been a long long long time I haven't update my blog right? haha..really busy yaw with my new world, new stuff, new enviroment, new friends and everythings..! =) i mean it,my life was totally changed..hahah.. from my stress world to my blissful world..thank God! Im at Kolej Matrikulasi Negeri Sembilan..Alhamdulillah..Got a new friends,my "GILER2" roommate, my "SPORTING" classmate and everything..totally tu lah,I really2 miss my home,my siblings,my SR friends and of cos my parent..but must go on right..? study hard for a better life in future..hope everythings gonna be fine..Insya'Allah..pray for me!
Got to go now..saja nk online,release my tension sket after a hard study..(hard ke??) so,till then peeps..! Miss yah! =)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Got It !

dah lme x update blog..hihi..xde mse, plus xde broadband..huhu.. quite bosan sbb salu mlm2 msti tgk u-tube..huhu.. n now Nisa was very2 in happy mood because of two things..hehehh.. first, I got my licence..yeay! pas ni, boleh la ronda2 pusing Malaysia bandar naik kereta plak. hahahh best kot test hr tu. pakcik JPJ tu yg ajar nisa sume. nisa ikot je la.. dh la test x smpai 10 min..hihi.. best sgt..! then, trus pass. appy doe.....! Opps, alhamdulillah..

and 1 more thing is I got my XPERIA..! hahahh..klu ikotkan mmg x nk bli hp baru, tp hp lme hr tu hilang plak..huhu.. so sad! nk wat cmane kn, salah sndiri la, letak hp rata2..

actually, there's something that make me feel so sad but i dont think I should write it here..huhu..

never mind, till then !
adious ! ^.^

Monday, April 25, 2011

Yeay !

huhh...what a tiring day i've been through today. woke up 6 in the morning, then rushing to the driving centre, then going for work. syokk belajar kereta, so pasni, just waiting for JPJ test ! yuuhuuu... ermm, everything at work place seems to be fine to me now since I'm not getting involve with them anymore.I mean, Im just doing my work n go back when its end, simply and smooth. and of coz I wont talk to my SV anymore. i hate him cos he fucked all the things. tu lah masalah nyer bila org da lupa diri n gila kuasa. hmm lantak lah, i dont care anymore. n simply say, Im happier with my life now. everything fine! plus i just received a text from someone that I really really miss damn so much..its my bestfriend! EKIN. i thought she will never find me anymore after we had a lil fight last month. my heart was totally blooming when she sent a text and say she miss me and really hope we can hang out together. hihi. happiness around me now~ ^.^

and yeah..1 more thing. Seems like I already forgot him ! thank God. so now, im not interested to anyone. fact, I dont have any feeling toward everyone. its kinda weird but its okay. its good for me. so after this, im not going to looking for a boyfriend anymore,im straightly want to find my future husband..hihi.. menggelabah?? so what?? ^.^

and now, im getting more closer to my Mr.Aidiel. abg angkat shaye ^.^ sweet ! we spending our time together. giler2 gak dia, lg2 mase kitorang masuk Harvey Norman hr tu. eh, lebih2 lak dia ^.^

Thursday, April 21, 2011

its called life

Why life is being cruel to me? why it is so hard? I cant face it all alone..all I want to do now, escape myself from that hell as soon as possible, start a new life, forget everything that bothering me all this time, meet a new people, make a new friends, away from people around me now..forget all the things!!
life is not fucking easily. I need someone that can motivated me right now, someone who can gives me some positives words so that I could stand and face all this challenges. Seriously, I cant bear anymore. Its killin' me inside. I gotta be strong.
"God didn't promise day without pain, laugher without sorrow, sun without rain,
BUT He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way.."

"Dont worry, its just a hurt..thats all.."

"Just stay strong.."

Monday, April 18, 2011

Enjoy ^.^

Gosh! I cant sleep! what i supposed to do right now?? LOL, i've already shut down my lappy about an hour ago, and i try to sleep but i cant! haisshh..there's a lot of thing on my mind. haiiyoo......tadi text ngan abang angkat, but suddenly he's gone. (??) tertidur kot. huhu.. gahh bored to death here. okay2, since i cant sleep, so let me update something here..hihi.. erm..2 days ago,I went to 'Tanjung Harapan" with my friends..its TANJUNG HARAPAN okay, not TANJUNG RAMBUTAN..N yeah we are having some fun, releasing our tension of working n wat so eva at the beach! totally awesome yaw. hahahh. its been a long time Im not going there so its feel like reborn..(??) hahah..

All of us + Farhana
sorry Fana, u are not in this picx..huhuhh..
err..aku x tau la pasal ape aku cam nih..hahahh..
cam terencat..kah3
pantai !

And yeay!! Next week, Abang angkat Nisa nk bawak g sini lg! bestnyerrr...... thanks Mr.Aidil.. cant wait!
hahh yah, talk about just spend my time with him just now. we had a long long long conversation at mamak stall. jadi la kan.. its pretty cool. yela..we've never been like that before. i mean, im were being his adopt in about 5 years n we never get chance to talk face to face like we did tonight. hahahh..
here u are! Mr.Aidil
oppss,,sengaja x mau tunjuk muka..karang x pasal2 pemes plak dia..hahahh..

so now, its almost 3 am. i have to get wake up earlier tomorrow. got so much things to do tomorrow..from morning to night..huwaaa..... tapi mata ni macam xde menunjukkan tanda2 nak tidur....haiiyyoo.. =,='

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lil secret

Something bothering my mind and i keep thinking about that
no one know what was that
and im not going to tell anyone about it, its not because im not trust anyone
just because no one will understand me
no one know how it felt was
im hiding my sadness 


I've been gone through this week ! alhamdulillah..everything seem fine, i accepted all things with open heart although I'm still not satisfied deep inside my heart. But I enjoy doing a new thing and yeah its not that bad than I thought before. now..there's only one thing that really make me sad + confused..and im piss off ! huhh..

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dia okay, aku??

Im a moron, thinking bout him all day while he does not take a point of me

Things getting better

Alhamdulillah..thanks God I managed to face all the things that really make me upset before this. Hahahh its not too hard or emm maybe it is just a begining?? dont know, but for me evrything just fine now eventhough thre's still have something make me piss off. nevermind........let it be....
really need it whatever situation it is
especially when upset surrounds me
things would be more easier n calm with it

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Its almost 4 in the morning n I cant sleep! I dont go for work today. U know, it make me sick! gahh..but i still have to go to work tomorrow. bloody hell! everything fucked up n i hate that. so today, i just stay at home, wasting my time infront of lappy with the internet stuff, facebook, blog n of cos youtube. i spent almost my time for watching vid of AnwarHadi. the guy tht I adore so much..hahahh!then, i met my friend, having a chat, went for the shopping (its not really shopping), supper and yeah something bothering me when they start mention his name. ohh God..whats wrong with me?! im such a moron. why is he always be in my mind. why I should think about him? why on the earth i know him? i am tired of feeling worthless..while he does not take any point of me. huhh. oky enough, lets forget about it. im just really worried about tomorrow. how my life would be tomorrow. i maybe escape it today, but not tomorrow, not forever right? i have to face it not run from it. hahh yeah talking is more easier than acting..hmm..
*sigh im going to take a glass of water, then go to bed, close my eye, dreaming and forget all the rubbish and wish everything is going as i till then folks..daaa


I miss u, Ekin

For Ekin, i know i've been hurting am I..i was hurt,i was angry too. everytime I think about u, there's always been a tears came along..I miss u, I miss our friendship..lets just forget that thing that separating us.
i dont care if u wont believe me anymore, i just want u to know about how my felt was.
its up to u after this


Monday, April 11, 2011


i had a really bad day yesterday! huhh..everything was totally suck! the worst thing is,when i on my work! guess what, start from this week,i've been transfered to another department. shits! i hate that. i mean, why it is me?? why it is not the other person?? its really make me pissed off.  i feel like i want to quit as soon as possible. i cant cope with it. with all fucking stuff there. hermm k fine, i following ur way..but remember fool, i will never keep my head down.i'll give a shit! huhh.. n there's another thing, its about a crazy guys. I thought he's not going to bother me anymore after a word i gave him. but i was completely wrong! n yesterday, again he's waiting me at my motocycle. fuck! n he locked up my bike with his bike. bodoh lahh!!! luckily i with my friend at that time, so she called her boyfriend and her boyfriend came along with his friends. huhh what a relief....they sent me home.. lucky is on my side but u know x kan la hari2 dorg nak anta nisa balik?? adoii.....
n today,i have to start my work at new department. huhh..things arent the same and some of it might be hard for me. gahhh i really dont want to do thissss! somebody help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011


Hye hello fellow.. huhh its raining outside and yeah i was totally boring right now. im just dont know what to do now since my broadband line was complete sucks! Im just in my mood for blogging so let me just drown with my a bit tension in this few days. my whole body aches from tension and I know it is seriously bad for my health. hahh yeah thats creepy when im say about health, i dont even think bout that before. lately, there's a sort of thing that always play around in my mind and its completely mess! its about "DIA". gahh  i dont know whats wrong with that guy. I mean like he's seriously trying to avoiding himself from me, from all of us. he just full of excuses now. when we ask to join us in something, he must be saying like this, " sorry, ive got something to do now, so maybe later.." or "im sorry, i cant join u all now, im run out of money bla..bla..bla.." and what so ever! u know I hate that..he's changed a lot! i mean it ! he now even dare to not replying my messages..huhh that too much. I hate when i sent a text to someone and i dont get response to it..shit! i really miss the moment when we were being a friend. a true friend. BFF.. we always hanging out when we're free,spending a few hours at mamak stall,watching movie together on offday, talking creepy bout something, talking bad bout work,talking nonsense bout our boss and we always got a plan to do thing together. but now everything changed. he dont even find me anymore. totally sad ! he dont bother to call me anyway, he dont bother to text me, he dont bother to find me and ask is everything fine to me. why?? could u please tell me what wrong with u?? what is the fucking thing that makes u became like this?? huhh..and yeah everyone see me outwardly calm, smiling at everyone and even chatting but inside i'm all unsettled and confused ! I miss him, I really do. he was a really good friend of mine. I meant it. just a friend! i dont ever think bout love between us. i do really love him as a friend and i wish we could gathering together someday..Aminn..
im pretty sure that he's not going to read this ^.^ but if he read this someday,i want to tell him this.."dude,u've changed n i hate that.pliss back to the old one like the first time i met u. LOLX.."
Im just like a crazy moron that always think bout u even though i know
u dont ever think about me even just a bit

Saturday, April 2, 2011


well~~ this is the time i have to make a decision..
gahh..i hate when i have to choose! 
hah but this is what we called life, complicated life..
I've already checked at each university what course are most suitable for me base on my SPM result
yeah..that it is..TESL !!
i love TESL !! i love english !
TESL is stand for "Teaching English as Secondary Language"
haha..semua U nisa layak dapat cos ni
since I got A for my English..
i really want to learn english deeply, so that i wish i could speak in english more fluently 
so probably, i'm going to take TESL ^.^

but hmm..on the other hand, I was thinking to take Bank Management course
I love this course too instead of TESL..
hmm so how?? 
TESL or Bank Management??
 argh..headache! kinda sleepy right eye were sore, my back were aching..
and i feel like crazy dumb ass in front of my lappy
gotta to wake up earlier tomorrow for work and was about going for movie at the night with friend
so i better get sleep now, get some rest, gain some energy for tomorrow
huh..but as usual before I get on my bed,i gonna read my english novel first
"Can You Keep a Secret by Sophie Kinsella"
very hilarious! ^.^
this novel has been given by someone for my birthday present.. ^.^
i'll show u the novel..tadaaaa!!

and yeah..since I've got my salary for this month,I was going about to buy another novel
another delicious good tale from Sophie Kinsella! taadaa! 

so, till then yups..daaaaaaa ^.^

Friday, April 1, 2011

make some changes, but how??

I wanna make some changes to myself..hahah!
ngarott jeh! mmg nk pon..
yelaa..since I already 18 years old, i was just thinking that I should change my appearance
haha..but Nisa x taw ape yang patot di tukar.. ^.^
yela..x kan la da 18 tahun nk dress up cam budak2 lg kn..
tringin gak nak dress up yang ranggi2 cam Yuna ke, ataupon yang ayu2 cam Heliza Helmi ke
awww....that must be sweet..hahah! 
but I just dont know how..... =.='
forget it Nisa! u were nothing!
hmm~ sebelum chow, nk tepek2 gambar Nisa lu..yoohoo..!

thats me and there's nothing interesting bout me ^.^
just ordinary girl

crushed???? =.='

*sigh hmmm~~
I love my friendship, I do appreciate that
but I hate when friendship has turned into crush
I mean, its like uncomfortable anymore..
I love to be friend with anyone, but JUST a FRIEND okay?
tapi knapa lama2, kawan tu tbe2 jatuh hati plak ngan kite??!
sedangkan kite just anggap dia kawan je
not more and not less than that..
Im really not interested with anyone..seriously..
Im not interested for any serious relationship
Im not interested to have any partner now..
and now i feel really uncomfortable since I knew he started to have a feelings toward me
what should I do??!! getting away from him???! 
i hate when things end up like this *sigh =.=

this is so me

yeah..this is soooo me..

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Shit Happen

admitted! Nisa mmg seorang yang sangat2 pelupa and careless
because I always forgot about my things
especially my keys, my handphone and my wallet
yeah..this is so me..hahah!
before this, its almost everyday I've been scolded by Kak Dhiya about this
yelah..letak je 3 bnde ni rata-rata
huhu..i dont know why..seems like I cant change it..its habit..
mse kt sekolah, member nisa, Ekin yang salu ingatkan nisa bout this 3 things
then, da kerja..akak dhiya yang salu ngatkan
but since Kak Dhiya has been gone, no one remembering me
and yeah..shits happen to me yesterday..
as usual, i got to be on work at 3.30pm but I'm just being late at that time
but xde la menggelabah pon, i'm just act like usual
then,after I parked my motorcycle, I forgot to pull out the key
till 10.30pm, when I'm on my way to go to my bike, then I realized, there's no key with me!
WTF??!! i searched it everywhere, I'm going to help department of Aeon
hopping that they were holding my key
but unfortunately, they dont have it !
feel like my world has turned dark
sitting upset on my bike, try to remember where I put the key
and there's MIRACLE..hahah!
i just dont know why, tgn Nisa tbe2 trus pegang 1 tempat kt motor tu
padahal, sebelum ni x pernah pon nak pegang kocek kecik tuh
and yeah that it is! my keys!!!
Thank God..there must be a really really really kind person who helping me out
nasib la dpt orang yang baik jumpa kunci kt moto tu
kalau dibuatnye orang jahat, mesti da jalan da moto tuh kn
huh..what a relief.....Alhamdulillah sgt2..
x tau cmane nk ckap terima kasih kt orang tu
and i believe, that person must be a really kind person and I really want to thank to him/her
but i just dont know why..yela, mne la tau sape..
what ever it is,who is the person is, I always pray that person will be always in His blessing..

*actually, ni kali kedua Nisa tggal kunci kt moto..before this, pak guard tu yang jumpe
nak amek kunci tu kt dye, kene bayar RM5 kot! haha..denda katenye..^.^


What a boring life that I've been through nowadays huhu
yelaa..since akak Dhiya dah behenti kerja ni, environment kt tempat kerja are completely changed !
I mean like everything..
huh..bosan tol..and me?? feel like I dont hve any mood to go there
hmm..what a mess!! 
 skarang ni pon da kene cut hours, mean I'm just working for 6 hour per day
derr..mne ckup duit woi..waatteerrfakk laaa mnger aku nih..
I miss kak Dhiya..
She taught me every single thing kt SR..
so sekarang yg tinggal just me and Farhana
bosan lah..ngan staff2 baru nie..hmm..
x tau cmane nak tego dorang psal something
even though I'm the senior..
I've been working there longer than them
I've met a lot of staff before them
but I just dont know cmane nak tego dorang
yela..nanti kate aku ni engkek lah, ape lah..
lantak lah..i'm just doing my work and smpai mse aku balik
I dont give a shit why do I care..
hahh yes, of cos I care!

huwaaa..things was completely arent the same!
and I was totally sick with it !

I miss every single moment with u

Saturday, March 26, 2011

My 18th Birthday Party!

haha..Im just 18th LOLx!
and I really want to say is my birthday celebration on this year was totally the best that I ever had
unexpected and full of surprise!
yeah..i felt like im the most luckiest person on this world on that day..! ^.^
my birthday is actually on 14th but I decided to celebrate it with my friend in 15th
actually Nisa just nak ajak dorang makan2 kt dataran and share a moments together
apa yang wat nisa betul2 terkejut is the cake!! yeah..cake! choc mud cake!
sbb?? sbelum tu nisa ade ckp nak makan choc mud cake on my birthday
tp yela, budjet x ckup im just forget it..
haha..but mse hr tu, smpai2 je kt dataran..dorg bwak keluar semua makanan yang kitorang beli
*actually nisa yang nk beli, tp mse nk bayar, dorg lak yg kua duit..haishh..
everything act like usual, no one talk bout it till one part
kawan nisa ajak nisa g satu tempat, jauh dr dorg..nisa ikot je lah..
but suddenly, someone closed my eye and I feel like WHAT IS IT??!! 
bila nisa bukak mata, wahhh!!! MY CHOC MUD CAKE!! 
I was totally surprise!!
they sang a song to me, and feel so special ! hahah..
i couldn't say anything, speechless! just keep saying thank u again and again..huhu..
then we are enjoying our moments, laughing, laughing and launging!
tah bila mse korang plan sume2 ni..huhu..
and this year, ramai sangat yang wish kt Nisa
and the most important, I got 5 birthday cake for this year!
dont be jelous okay?? haha..

this is my SECRET RECIPE friends..
thanks to all of you!!

 thanks for the cake guys! mse 14th march at BOSTON restaurant
celebrating with my Kak Dhiya and Fana
 that is my special 1st birthday cake..!
sbb ape special?? sbb dye buat sndiri cake ni nk kasi kt nisa.. ^.^

 my 2nd Birthday cake from Kak Dhiya and Fana..
 that it is! my 3rd bithday cake! choc mud! 
thanks to all my Secret Recipe team..!! 
 my 4th birthday cake..from my supervisor..Jeff Tan.. ^.^
 my 5th birthday cake from my Ex-supervisor..JJ Kua.. <3
thanks to both of u..! I love u all so much!!
i got a birthday present from them, and that thing,is the thing that i really2 want b4 this.. ^_^

to all my secret recipe member, I would like to say thank you to all of u for this surprise and happiness!
you are all appreciated guys!
I love all of u!
thanks cos make me feel i'm the luckiest person ever
cos having a friends like u guys.. ^.^

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I'm sorry..i cant be perfect

I just want to say that im really sorry to both my mum and dad
i know they're not reading this but this is sincerely from my heart
im sorry cos im just broken your heart
im sorry cos i cant give u happiness even just a bit
im sorry that i keep troubling both u in this 18 years
im sorry that i can give u the best result as u u really really want..
i've already tried my best, but im just sorry..
im sorry cos make both of u embarrassed with my result
3A's was totally embarrassing, i know
im sorry cos make both of u embarrassed for having a daughter like me
i sincerely apologize n i wish i could knelt to the ground n ask for your forgiveness
im really really sorry 
u may hate me mak, abah because of my stupidness
but im just really really sorry
im not a good daughter of yours
maybe this is what im deserve, for my behavior toward u all this time
im sorry that i cant be such a perfect daughter as u wanted
i just want u to know that i always loves u mak,abah
and im really sorry cos i keep disappointing u
although u never express it in word, i still can see it on your face

"I'm sorry, I cant be perfect,
now its just too late
now I cant go back
I sorry, I cant be perfect.."

I hate myself for not being such a good daughter of yours
I hate myself for being like this
all I can say now is Im sorry although i know it couldn't change anything

With tears :  from your useless daughter..

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Full of hatred

You are just being so nice with me
you treat me like im the only girl that u seek in every crowd
you treat me like im the most important person in your life..

Now, i know what kind of person you are
Now, im just cant stop my feeling to hate you
Now, im trying to forget you
im trying to getting away from you
cos im started to hate you..
im just full of hatred now..
remember my dear, once I hate u, it'll last forever..

im gonna treat u like nothings happen
like im not hurt at all
like i dont really care bout u..

Friday, March 11, 2011

mess up life was totally mess up in this few days..
huhh..too many problem to be settle down..
semua msalah ni wat ak rse down sgt2
especially when its about FRIENDSHIP..but its okay..
maybe she just dont understand me what kind of situation im having right now..
so im just let her go with her decision without knowing that im having the most hard time now 
tak ade bnde ak nk explain pd dia and that it is
we are making our own way
of cos i was totally sad becoz yeahh u know
she was a good friend of mine of cos
and im spending almost all my time with her before this..
but its okay, maybe it'll be the best thing for her life..perhaps..
aku x salahkn dia cos she doesnt know anything..
ok done with her and now im talking bout someone else
haha..he also give me heartache!
but now, everythings has been fixed and i dont want to talk bout it anymore..
haha..ble pk blik,cam nk gelak guling2..
cbe la bygkn..we are fighting just becos one stupid reason..immature! haha..
selain tu, byk g masalh aku..
its bout family and i dont think i should write bout it here
its too privacy.. ^.^

hah yups..ade satu masalah yg betul2 myakitkan pale otak ak!
its bout someone yg x suda2 mengganggu aku since aku kt skola rendah g
wat the hell la with this guys..?? fanatic with me?? derr..buta ke ape..
huhh..and now dia da tau ak kerja kt mne and gila dia da mnjd blik
bygkan la we, boleh plak dye tunggu ak hr2 kt tmpat keje..lalu lalang kt situ..adooii
lalu lalang aku boleh tahan g
masalahny tiap kali dye lalu, dia akan tukar baju..WTF??
and most worst thing is, dia siap mintak kerja lg kt c2..WTH??
luckily, supervisor aku ckp, we are full already..fuhh..
ade gak manusia cam ni?? 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Can't let you go, even if I die

Regardless of the age, it all hurts the same
Regardless of how young you are, we all know and feel pain

Why did you lie that everything will be ok?
The broken heart doesn't get repaired easily
How will I live without you, so...

Even if I die, I can't let you go
How could I let you go if you're planning to leave
Then fix my heart so I can at least live on painlessly
If you can't, then since I wouldn't be able to live
I can't let you go even if I die

No matter how much you push me away, I will hold on to you till the end
So you won't be able to go anywhere

If you are really leaving, then lie
Let's meet tomorrow and meet with a smile
Then say that you were joking about breaking up if not then...

Even if I die, I can't let you go
How could I let you go if you're planning to leave
Then fix my heart so I can at least live on painlessly
If you can't, then since I wouldn't be able to live
I can't let you go even if I die

We spent so much time together
But how could I live alone now?
I can't do that, I can't

Even if I die, I can't let you go, I really can't let you go
If you're planning to leave, then fix my heart
so I can at least live on painlessly
If you can't, then since I wouldn't be able to live
I can't let you go even if I die

By : 2AM
I love this song damn so much! <3


i want to sleep but i just cant get enough with my blog..hahahh..
yeahh..what i really want to say is im just so happy with mylife now..alhamdulillah..
my parent,my siblings and my friends..
they are all make my life complete !
i love all of them more than word that i could say..^.^

cerita cerita

Wow! its been a very long long long time i havent update my just get busy with my work and what so eva..huhh.. i dont even have much time for myself..okay??
actually Nisa pon x taw nk story ape kt blog ni, tu pasal la lme x update
today is my offday..err nope, actually its more to PONTENG ! tbe2 rse cam xde mud nk g keje..hahahh..
so,its almost 12am in the morning now..i have get wake up early in the morning but i didnt get sleep yet..
i just cant get enough with my facebook and youtube
Nisa sndiri pon x taw ape yang best sgt ngn facebook tuh,tp asyik nk dok mgadap bnde tu je..WTH..
hahh, talk about youtube..i was wondering tah bape banyak la video yang ade kt youtube tu
mesti berjuta-juta kn..perrghh..
and for me, video yang salu dok cari is about K-POP
hahahh..not all..just more to SNSD & 2PM
korang tau..?? yeah, i know..bukan sume layan k-pop kn
ade yang siap kutuk2 ag sape yang minat k-pop..huhh..WTH la dowg ni..
each person have different interest rite, so plis la respect each other..
haha..emo disitu..!
 let me show u who is 2PM
tadaaaaa  !!

OMG! they are super damn cute,isnt it?? huhh..
oppss, dont get me wrong..thats not the only point why im crazy bout them..
its about MUSIC 
nisa mmg ske gler ngn sume lagu2 gler doe sume..
plus dgn dancing dowg yang power, mmg pergghh..perfect choreography!
and the most important yang wat nisa fell in love with them is the differences in each performance of them
means like xde la bnde yang same je..msti ade yang lain and bnde tu of cos unexpected and gempak!
but unfortunately, now they only got 6 members in their group
their leader is eliminated from that group..sbb?? pnjg cte nye..korg tanya la kt uncle yahoo..okay?

and now lets talk about SNSD..yeay!
err.. i dont have much to say about them
just to say that I LOVE SNSD so much! hahahh..

cantik kn?? huhh..kinda jeles rite now..hahahh..
dowg adalah kumpulan wanita yg paling berpengaruh di Korea
and they have a lot of fans around the world ! 
haishh..kalau nk stori satu2 pasal dowg ni mmg tak abis la..mau malatop lappy ak..huhh.. kinda sleepy rite now...
i better go now..huhuhh..