Monday, June 20, 2011

Into The New World !

Its been a long long long time I haven't update my blog right? haha..really busy yaw with my new world, new stuff, new enviroment, new friends and everythings..! =) i mean it,my life was totally changed..hahah.. from my stress world to my blissful world..thank God! Im at Kolej Matrikulasi Negeri Sembilan..Alhamdulillah..Got a new friends,my "GILER2" roommate, my "SPORTING" classmate and everything..totally tu lah,I really2 miss my home,my siblings,my SR friends and of cos my parent..but must go on right..? study hard for a better life in future..hope everythings gonna be fine..Insya'Allah..pray for me!
Got to go now..saja nk online,release my tension sket after a hard study..(hard ke??) so,till then peeps..! Miss yah! =)